The images included in this book are part of the photographic archive of the Antiquarian Bookstore "Poema 20". They were found and rescued during the pandemic by several waste pickers who mainly work in the area of Plaza San Martín, Recoleta, Bario Norte, and Microcentro. The recovered photographs are classified and archived in over 70 thematic categories. The editing of the photographs included in this book is an exercise in recontextualization that seeks to associate images from another era with the recent experiences of our collective imagination and pandemic journey.
"Every photograph has multiple meanings; indeed, to see something in the form of a photograph is to be faced with an object of potential fascination. The essential wisdom of the photographic image declares: 'This is the surface. Now think—or rather feel, intuit—what lies beyond, how reality must be if this is its appearance.' Photographs, which in themselves explain nothing, are inexhaustible invitations to deduction, speculation, and fantasy." (Susan Sontag, On Photography).