


The Atlantic Forest once covered a vast area of approximately one million square kilometers of eastern Brazil, eastern Paraguay and northeastern Argentina. Only seven percent of its original area remains today, making it one of the world’s most endangered forests, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Paradoxically, the largest continuous remaining area of Atlantic Forest can now be found in Misiones, Argentina, a country that originally held only a small proportion of the forest.  Another smaller continuous area exists in Brazil, in the region between Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro.

The Puerto Bemberg Reserve, located on the shore of the Paraná River, covers 300 hectares of forest, known as mixed jungle or laurel and guatambú jungle, and includes incredible forests of tacuaruzú bamboo. It forms part of the secondary jungle sector that in the past suffered the removal of timber-yielding trees, but which remains in a good state of conservation.

Puerto Bemberg, A View of the Interior Atlantic Rainforest is a tribute to biological diversity.

Product Details

4 Items
1.20 kg
26.00 cm
20.00 cm
Bilingual ( Spanish / English )

Butterflies are themselves an attraction in the Atlantic forest, like this gathering of Phoebis on the sandy shores of the Paraná River.

The Yabotí River (covered by a bank of mist) crosses the Biosphere Reserve of the same name in the center-east of the province of Misiones.

The Iguazú Falls were sighted for the first time by a European in 1541.

Driving through the field to collect the bundles of yerba mate.

Surrounded by jungle, 20 meters long and lined with comfortable loungers, the Posada’s pool is the ideal place to refresh oneself.

In the jungle, where the fauna is hard to spot, a silhouette is everything, particularly with the backlight of a clouded sky.

Like towers, rosewood trees emerge above the forest canopy, sometimes reaching heights of 150 meters.