Buenos Aires is an active, modern, innovative and dynamic metropolis that still preserves many architectural and natural treasures which remain unexplored. There are countless sides of this city that its inhabitants and tourists don’t really know, because they don’t have access or because they are unaware of their existence.
The book “Buenos Aires, an intimate look” reveals a city hidden from the eyes of common public: secret and mysterious corners, and outstanding details that go unnoticed in the daily life.
Public buildings, private residences, parks, monuments, bars and local businesses are highlighted by photographer Ricardo Labougle, who went through different neighborhoods searching those details that make this metropolis unique.
Legislatura de la Ciudad
Centro Cultural Kirchner
Natural Science Museum, La Plata
Arroyo Street
Torre monumental, ex ingleses
Ricardo Rojas Museum
Villa Paez Vilaró
Pulpería, La Tacuara, Lozano, Provincia de Buenos Aires