The forest marks the man, the montaraz. The montaraz alters the forest. The transformation is mutual and is regulated by cunning balance. If one of them, forest or montaraz, was stronger, it would extinguish the other.
Severed brunches, scratches on the skin of the hands, marks on the metal of the machetes. Scars of a contained, resisted and continuous transformation. The process if from the same material as the impacts in the dreams, never strong enough. As two tired wrestlers, there is just an accumulation of punches until one of them gives in or time runs out.
This book was awarded the Premio Fundación Larivière 2018, organized by BAphoto and Fundación Larivière.
"adj. (of someone) who wanders or is fit to wander through the forest or who has grown up there.
adj. (of someone’s temper or quality): wild, rude and savage"