Santiago Porter’s work has been always connected with his interest in finding relations between the aspect of things and what has happened to them. “Bruma” (Mist) is the result of the deepening of his quest. Divided in three chapters, this book shows us how public buildings, obsolete monuments and landscapes manifest their history.
Interview with Santiago Porter in FOCO.
Ministry I, Buenos Aires, 2007
Mint, Buenos Aires, 2007
Evita, San Vicente, Buenos Aires, 2008
"The aftertaste of everyday life, the fossils of violence and the residue
of history flash like lightning in every vestige-trouvé captured by the
photographer’s camera. They speak to us in silence—as photography generally does— of a time that never fades away, but coexists with this other one that we call the present".
Paola Cortés Rocca
Monument, ESMA, 2009
Garbage Dump, Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, 2012
Forest, National Route 3, Tierra del Fuego, 2012
Monteros II, Tucumán, 2014