This book gathers works carried out for more than 40 years and contains more than 200 photographs that cover the complete life’s work of the artist, with texts written by himself about his life and works. His dedication to explore the identity of our country through direct photography initiated with his first experimental shots in the 1960’s. This is the first book about his retrospective. Marcos Zimmermann is a relevant figure in the current Argentinean photography.
Alumnos de la Escuela Provincial 402, comunidad Wichi de Tres Pozos, Formosa, año 1997
Barco encallado, Santa Cruz, año 1989
Vaca y ruta, Corrientes, año 1980
La Défense en construcción, París, Francia, año 1981
Plaza del Trocadero y Torre Eiffel, Paris, año 1981
Terraza de Julio Salinas en Via Sabotino, Roma, año 1980