Marc Ferrez was without doubt the most important Brazilian photographer of the 19th and early 20th centuries. His panoramic views, icons that formed the image of an exotic and cosmopolitan Brazil, ensured that he would be included among the world’s outstanding landscape photographers. Constantly innovating, a pioneer in the introduction of new technologies, he was quick to master photographic technique, being noted for images that were notably difficult to achieve, such as his famous portraits of vessels on the high seas, his photographs of mining undertakings, and the laying of railroad lines in the heart of the exuberant Brazilian jungle.
Lago do PaÇo y calle Primeiro de MarÇo, c. 1890. Río de Janeiro.
Plaza D. PedroII, actual plaza 15 de Noviembre, c. 1895. Río de Janeiro.
Vista panorámica de la ensenada de Botafogo desde la cima del Corcovado, c. 1885.
¿Es la misma fotografía anterior pero postal?; ¿No está en el libro?
Ferrocarril del Corcovado, c. 1895. Río de Janeiro, RJ.
Mineros, c. 1885. Minas Gerais.
Afilador, c. 1899. Río de Janeiro.