


Rethink Everything is the result of an exhibition conceived shortly before the pandemic started, and which was resignified in the context of isolation that began in March 2020. It proposes to return to a set of works made before the crisis that can be read in code of the present; works which interrogate man´s relationship with nature, the radical differences in the distribution of wealth, the existence of inequalities, the meaning of domesticity, isolation, loneliness, forms of memory and feminism as a practice and as a theory that installed these questions in advanced.

The works gathered in this book are accompanied by Andrea Giunta’s sharp analysis, who highlights that images of art are archives of experiences: when we approach them from new contexts, from different questions, their latent meanings are agitated. Additionally, the juxtaposition of the images, their closeness in the space, creates a contact zone; a new iridescence is produced in what we see. The closeness provokes unexpected shines of the image.

If an art exhibit is an experience that implicates all of our senses, Rethink Everything replicates this possibility. In this beautiful and innovative book, whose design is at the same level as the intensity of the works it contains, the reader will also have the occasion to find the voices of the participating artists. It is, then, a multiple experience that combines an analysis about contemporary art, works of artists who are representative of their tendencies, and the reflections they make about their job and about the world we share.

Works by María José Arjona, Ananké Asseff, Elba Bairon, Nicola Costantino, Milagros de la Torre, Vivian Galban, María Teresa Hincapié, Adriana Lestido, Florencia Levy, Marcos López, Liliana Maresca, Joiri Minaya, Marta Minujín, Aline Motta, Nosotras Proponemos, Rodrigo Orrantia, Jackie Parisier, Cristina Piffer, Santiago Porter, Dalila Puzzovio, José Alejandro Restrepo, Silvia Rivas, Celeste Rojas Mugica, Graciela Sacco, Juan Travnik.

Product Details

16 Items
1.00 kg
16.00 cm
26.00 cm
4.00 cm

Adriana Lestido, fotografía de la serie "Mujeres Presas", 1991-1993

Cristina Piffer, Braceros, año 2018

Liliana Maresca con su obra, foto de Marcos Lopez

"Art images are archives of experience. When we go back to them, we approach them from new contexts, from different questions, their latent meanings are agitated".

Adolescentes, Sisi y Gabi, Buenos Aires, año 1980, Juan Travnik

Aline Motta, fundamentos #3

Elba Bairon, Sin título, año 1994, dibujo poliptico 10 piezas

Nicola Costantino, blanco y negro según Man Ray, año 2006