This photo collage essay focuses on the possession of firearms in the marginalized neighborhoods of Venezuela. In Caracas, like in a video game, guns are bought, borrowed, lost, stolen, and smuggled. Pistols, machine guns, grenades, and ammunition are advertised through WhatsApp, Snapchat, and even Instagram. The black market takes the form of an evil chat, where you can choose your weapons before starting to play. Venezuela is the Latin American country that allocates the most resources to the purchase of weapons. In 2016, we reached the unbeaten record of 28,479 violent deaths. In our neighborhoods, it's easier to find a gun than bread. There is no milk, but there are plenty of bullets. Under the narco-dictatorship and the criminal regime, my country has become a true battlefield, a confrontation of mafias. Cities are invaded by different evil forces: brutal police squads, ruthless paramilitary groups, and armed common criminals. Civil society is literally trapped amidst all kinds of shortages, repression, and chaos. In the same day, you can become a victim of rubber bullets and witness a rain of tear gas canisters—beware, minutes later, you may be trampled by a crowd fleeing from the National Police's Robocops or deliberately crushed by an anti-riot tank. Author: Pepe Lopez.