Plat, Lucrecia

Argentine photographer born in 1942. In 1967, she participated in an exhibition in Buenos Aires. She took photographs for the essay "Transacrílico" for the magazine Cuadernos de Mr. Robinson (1967). Between 1965 and 1990, she began photographing writers, especially Alejandra Pizarnik, for the Centro Editor de América Latina. She collaborated with various media outlets, including Clarín, El País (Spain), La Gaceta ilustrada, and La Nación.

In 1994, she opened her advertising studio. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions, including "Alejandra Pizarnik," "El humo entra en tus ojos," and "Máxima reserva," all in Buenos Aires. In 2021, she was honored as an artist at Buenos Aires Photo. That same year, she received the 8M Acquisition Award. In 2022, she held a tribute exhibition to Alejandra Pizarnik at the National Library, and in 2023, she participated in a group exhibition at the Centro Cultural Carlos Kirchner.