Martinovich, Nadia

Nadia Martinovich was born on March 24, 1987, in Buenos Aires. She holds a degree in visual arts with a specialization in painting from the Universidad del Museo Argentino. She trained with artists Ricardo Visentini, Estanislao Florido, and Mariano Lucano. She participated in Tulio de Sagastizábal's artwork analysis clinic and was part of the PAC project of the Gachi Prieto gallery in its 2014 edition. In 2013, she won the "+ Contemporáneo" competition at the Pasto gallery, becoming part of its group of artists. Since mid-2012, she has been developing the series "Nostalgic De-construction," which began as pictorial work on wood, evolving into object paintings exhibited at CC.Recoleta in the 2013 show "El cuadro Roto," curated by Graciela Taquini, and has since expanded into installations in various exhibitions from 2013, such as "Cínico" at "La tomada" and "Cúmulo II" in 2014 at "El ojo errante."